The action brings together a trans-European consortium of national research centres and trade unions under the coordination of Italian Federation Of Transport Workers. These organisation are Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy), Belgian Transport Federation (Belgium), University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), Institute for Economic and Social Research (France), Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Greece), United Services Union VER.DI (Germany), Institute of Public Affairs Foundation (Poland) and Notus (Spain), involving as well the European Transport Federation (EU), Organizacja Zakładowa (Poland) and Federacion e Servicios A La Ciudadania Comisiones Obreras (Spain) for dissemination and policy design purposes. 

A brief presentation of each partner and associate organisation follows.

Italian Federation of Transport Workers


The Federazione Italiana Lavoratori dei Trasporti organises workers who are members of the CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour, i.e., the biggest Italian trade union) in the sectors of air transport, sea and port transport, land transport (rail and road), roads and motorways, auxiliary and complementary services to transport activities.

Giacomo Brodolini Foundation


The Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini is a private not-for-profit foundation developing, applying and disseminating evidence-based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels. FGB promotes dialogue and a continuous knowledge exchange bridging the academic and policymaking communities, governments, civil society and private sector, with a focus on industrial relations, employment policies, gender equality and social innovation.

Belgian Transport Federation


The Belgian Transport Federation represents all workers in the maritime sectors, port workers, airfreight handling workers, freight and passenger transport and logistics in Belgium. BTB negotiates the social benefits for the sector our people work in.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy


The Hellenic Foundation For European And Foreign Policy is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit think tank. ELIAMEP mission is to conduct policy-oriented research and provide authoritative information, analysis, and policy recommendations, for the development of evidence-based responses to major European and foreign policy challenges.

University of Jyväskylä, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy


The Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä is one of the leading units in Finland, specialised in research on social, political, and cultural transformations such as digitalisation, migration, care policy and population. The department has a number of high-profile researchers, and has hosted several projects funded by the ERC, Horizon, DG employment, and Academy of Finland.

University of Tartu


The University of Tartu is the leading research university in Estonia and the only Estonian-language universitas in the world. The university, re-opened as the Estonian-language University of Tartu in 1919 at the beginning of the Republic of Estonia, laid the foundations for Estonian-language higher education and created a community of national intellectuals, who have a significant role in the development of the Estonian state, society and culture.

Applied Social Research


NOTUS is an applied social research institute which produces studies and reports, performs technical assistance to public and private entities, designs, manages and evaluates policies and programmes, and organises seminars and workshops. NOTUS works with public administrations and agencies, non-profit organisations, universities and research centres at local, regional, national, European and international levels, with a focus on employment and labour relations, qualifications and training, local development, poverty and social inclusion, and gender.

Institute of Public Affairs Foundation


The Institute of Public Affairs is a leading Polish think-tank and an independent centre for policy research and analysis. IPA main areas of study include European policy, social policy, civil society, migration and development policy as well as law and democratic institutions.

Institute for Economic and Social Research


The French Institute for Social and Economic Research is the independent research centre of the six French labour unions (CFDT, CFTC, CGT, CFE-CGC, FO, UNSA Education). Created in 1982 with government’s financial support, IRES is registered as a private non-profit organisation. IRES mission statement sets the goal of analysing the economic and social issues, at national, EU or international levels, of special interest to labour unions as well as independent research centre.

United Services Union


The United Services Union (Ver.di) is the German trade union for all employees in the service sector. Almost 2 million people from around 1.000 professions are organized in Ver.di.

European Transport Workers Federation

Associated PARTNER

ETF is a pan-European trade union organisation representing more than 5 million transport workers in over 30 countries.

Organizacja Zakładowa

Associated PARTNER

The Organizacja Zakładowa (OPZZ Confederation) is a Confederation of Labour “of the XXI Century” involved in the defence of workers’ rights and interests regardless of the type of contract and the work performed, trying to support members and their families in aspects going beyond the framework of labour law.

Federacion de Servicios a la Ciudadania Comisiones Obreras

Associated PARTNER

The Federation Of Citizen Services (FSC) is part of the Spanish Trade Union Confederation Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), the largest trade union in Spain since 1970s with more than one million members.