Delivering sustainability
to the e-commerce supply chain

The project

Team Hub! Project is a two-year project supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, receiving funding under the call for proposals SOCPL-2021-IND-REL aimed at improving expertise in the field of industrial relations.


Understanding trends

Understanding current and expected trends in e-commerce and the related implications for logistics at the EU, national and local levels.

Exploring strategies

Exploring strategies and business models of leading players in the sector, including how digitalisation affects work organisation in storing and delivering activities.

Identifying needs

Identifying workers’ needs in logistics, especially ahead of changes related with digitalisation and environmental sustainability goals.

Elaborating proposals

Elaborating policy proposals to strengthen sustainability of the e-commerce supply chain from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

Sharing knowledge

Sharing knowledge on e-commerce related changes with workers and trade unions.


The Team Hub! expected research outputs are National Country Fiches, National Case Study Reports, Final EU Comparative Report with Policy Recommendations. Open access documents will be available here soon.